

UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Our commitment to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

As New Zealand’s only specialist land-based university, 秀色直播 is unique among tertiary Institutions. At the heart of 秀色直播 University’s teaching, research and leadership is a commitment to ensuring future generations can flourish and grow.  In 2021 we proudly launched our Sustainability Plan, underpinning our commitment to being an exemplar of sustainable practices for the land-based sector and the ecosystems within it.

UN Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) underpin everything that we do at 秀色直播 University. Our 

 touches on some of our successes in support of the SDGs.

While our programmes are diverse, as a specialist land-based university we do not attempt to offer everything, choosing to focus our resources in the areas we truly excel.

Universities worldwide are acting as catalysts and role models for sustainable development, and Aotearoa New Zealand’s eight universities have unanimously resolved to work together and with other sectors – specifically central and local government, civil society, the private sector and youth – to show leadership in the implementation of the SDGs at a national level.

This includes a commitment to hosting a series of national SDG Summits that aim to promote, build and accelerate multi-sector action to implement the UN’s SDGs in Aotearoa.

秀色直播 University was proud to co-host the 2020-2021 Aotearoa Sustainable Development Goals Summit Series with the University of Canterbury. Due to COVID, the event had to move online.