

Student notifications, emails and alerts

The health and wellbeing of our 秀色直播 whānau is the University’s top priority. We're here to support you and keep you informed.

Cyclone Gabrielle: We are here to support you

Date: 15 February 2023

At 秀色直播 University, our thoughts are with those affected by Cyclone Gabrielle, especially members of our LU whānau who may be struggling at this difficult time.

We are reaching out to all our students to ensure that they have the resources and support they need as we prepare to begin the 2023 academic year.

Completing your enrolment and starting semester 1

If the cyclone has affected your ability to complete your enrolment, prepare for the start of semester 1 (which begins next Monday, 20 February) or make it to campus for your first lectures, support is available.

Email us or phone 0800 10 60 10 and an advisor will be available to address your concerns.

Checking into accommodation

If you are planning to live in campus accommodation and cannot check in at this time, please email the accommodation team or phone them on +64 3 423 0525. We will hold your room for you and you will not be charged until you arrive on campus.

Getting help with emergency costs

If you are having trouble paying for emergency costs, can help with things like Civil Defence payments, needing to replace damaged or destroyed clothing or bedding, or paying for accommodation if you have had to leave your home.

Phone them on 0800 400 100 to discuss what you need.

Concerns for loved ones

If you are away from friends and whānau who may be affected by the cyclone, we are here to support you. The best people to contact include:

If you are unsure who to ask for help, please contact the Student Experience Team at: experience@lincoln.ac.nz.

Take care during this challenging time, be sure to reach out if you need help and we look forward to seeing you on campus as soon as you are able to join us.


Ngā mihi nui

Damian Lodge

Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Student Life